Run RM-CLEAN on cutouts in parallel
Single spectrum |
Stokes I fit results |
Multi Stokes spectra |
Command-line interface |
Background and noise estimation on a cubelet |
Extract spectra from cubelets |
Extract a single spectrum from a cubelet |
Run RMsynth on cutouts flow |
1D RM synthesis |
3D RM-synthesis |
Sigma clip spectra |
Update the RM-Tools dictionary with the fit results from the Stokes I fit |
Module Contents
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.cubelet_bane(cubelet: numpy.ndarray, header: Tuple[numpy.ndarray] [source]
Background and noise estimation on a cubelet
- Parameters:
cubelet (np.ndarray) – 3D array of data
header (fits.Header) – Header of cubelet
- Returns:
Background and noise per channel
- Return type:
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.extract_all_spectra(coord: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, ion: bool, field_dict: dict, outdir: pathlib.Path) StokesSpectra [source]
Extract spectra from cubelets
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.extract_single_spectrum(coord: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, stokes: str, ion: bool, field_dict: dict, outdir: pathlib.Path) Spectrum [source]
Extract a single spectrum from a cubelet
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.fit_stokes_I(freq: numpy.ndarray, coord: astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, tt0: str | None = None, tt1: str | None = None, do_own_fit: bool = False, iarr: numpy.ndarray | None = None, rmsi: numpy.ndarray | None = None, polyOrd: int | None = None) StokesIFitResult [source]
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.main(field: str, outdir: pathlib.Path, host: str, epoch: int, sbid: int | None = None, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None, dimension: str = '1d', verbose: bool = True, database: bool = False, limit: int | None = None, savePlots: bool = False, weightType: str = 'variance', fitRMSF: bool = True, phiMax_radm2: float | None = None, dPhi_radm2: float | None = None, nSamples: int = 5, polyOrd: int = 3, noStokesI: bool = False, showPlots: bool = False, not_RMSF: bool = False, rm_verbose: bool = False, debug: bool = False, fit_function: str = 'log', tt0: str | None = None, tt1: str | None = None, ion: bool = False, do_own_fit: bool = False) None [source]
Run RMsynth on cutouts flow
- Parameters:
field (str) – RACS field
outdir (Path) – Output directory
host (str) – MongoDB host
epoch (int) – Epoch
sbid (Union[int, None], optional) – SBID. Defaults to None.
username (Union[str, None], optional) – MongoDB username. Defaults to None.
password (Union[str, None], optional) – MongoDB password. Defaults to None.
dimension (str, optional) – RMsynth dimension. Defaults to “1d”.
verbose (bool, optional) – Verbose output. Defaults to True.
database (bool, optional) – Update MongoDB. Defaults to False.
do_validate (bool, optional) – Validate RMsynth. Defaults to False.
limit (Union[int, None], optional) – Limit number of components. Defaults to None.
savePlots (bool, optional) – Save plots. Defaults to False.
weightType (str, optional) – Weight type. Defaults to “variance”.
fitRMSF (bool, optional) – Fit RMSF. Defaults to True.
phiMax_radm2 (Union[float, None], optional) – Max FD. Defaults to None.
dPhi_radm2 (Union[float, None], optional) – Delta FD. Defaults to None.
nSamples (int, optional) – Samples across RMSF. Defaults to 5.
polyOrd (int, optional) – Order of fit to I. Defaults to 3.
noStokesI (bool, optional) – Ignore Stokes I. Defaults to False.
showPlots (bool, optional) – Show plots. Defaults to False.
not_RMSF (bool, optional) – Not RMSF. Defaults to False.
rm_verbose (bool, optional) – Verbose RMsynth. Defaults to False.
debug (bool, optional) – Debug plots. Defaults to False.
fit_function (str, optional) – Fit function. Defaults to “log”.
tt0 (Union[str, None], optional) – Total intensity T0 image. Defaults to None.
tt1 (Union[str, None], optional) – Total intensity T1 image. Defaults to None.
ion (bool, optional) – Ion. Defaults to False.
do_own_fit (bool, optional) – Do own fit. Defaults to False.
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.rm_common_parser(parent_parser: bool = False) argparse.ArgumentParser [source]
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.rmsynth_parser(parent_parser: bool = False) argparse.ArgumentParser [source]
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.rmsynthoncut1d(comp_tuple: Tuple[str, pandas.Series], beam_tuple: Tuple[str, pandas.Series], outdir: pathlib.Path, freq: numpy.ndarray, field: str, sbid: int | None = None, polyOrd: int = 3, phiMax_radm2: float | None = None, dPhi_radm2: float | None = None, nSamples: int = 5, weightType: str = 'variance', fitRMSF: bool = True, noStokesI: bool = False, showPlots: bool = False, savePlots: bool = False, debug: bool = False, rm_verbose: bool = False, fit_function: str = 'log', tt0: str | None = None, tt1: str | None = None, ion: bool = False, do_own_fit: bool = False) pymongo.UpdateOne [source]
1D RM synthesis
- Parameters:
comp_id (str) – RACS component ID
outdir (str) – Output directory
freq (list) – Frequencies in Hz
host (str) – MongoDB host
field (str) – RACS field
sbid (int, optional) – SBID. Defaults to None.
database (bool, optional) – Update MongoDB. Defaults to False.
polyOrd (int, optional) – Order of fit to I. Defaults to 3.
phiMax_radm2 (float, optional) – Max FD. Defaults to None.
dPhi_radm2 (float, optional) – Delta FD. Defaults to None.
nSamples (int, optional) – Samples across RMSF. Defaults to 5.
weightType (str, optional) – Weight type. Defaults to ‘variance’.
fitRMSF (bool, optional) – Fit RMSF. Defaults to False.
noStokesI (bool, optional) – Ignore Stokes I. Defaults to False.
showPlots (bool, optional) – Show plots. Defaults to False.
savePlots (bool, optional) – Save plots. Defaults to False.
debug (bool, optional) – Turn on debug plots. Defaults to False.
rm_verbose (bool, optional) – Verbose RMsynth. Defaults to False.
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.rmsynthoncut3d(island_id: str, beam_tuple: Tuple[str, pandas.Series], outdir: pathlib.Path, freq: numpy.ndarray, field: str, sbid: int | None = None, phiMax_radm2: float | None = None, dPhi_radm2: float | None = None, nSamples: int = 5, weightType: str = 'variance', fitRMSF: bool = True, not_RMSF: bool = False, rm_verbose: bool = False, ion: bool = False) pymongo.UpdateOne [source]
3D RM-synthesis
- Parameters:
island_id (str) – RACS Island ID
freq (list) – Frequencies in Hz
host (str) – Host of MongoDB
field (str) – RACS field ID
database (bool, optional) – Update MongoDB. Defaults to False.
phiMax_radm2 (float, optional) – Max Faraday depth. Defaults to None.
dPhi_radm2 (float, optional) – Faraday dpeth channel width. Defaults to None.
nSamples (int, optional) – Samples acorss RMSF. Defaults to 5.
weightType (str, optional) – Weighting type. Defaults to ‘variance’.
fitRMSF (bool, optional) – Fit RMSF. Defaults to False.
not_RMSF (bool, optional) – Skip calculation of RMSF. Defaults to False.
rm_verbose (bool, optional) – Verbose RMsynth. Defaults to False.
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.sigma_clip_spectra(stokes_spectra: StokesSpectra) StokesSpectra [source]
Sigma clip spectra
Find outliers in the RMS spectra and set them to NaN
- Parameters:
stokes_spectra (StokesSpectra) – The Stokes spectra
- Returns:
The filtered Stokes spectra
- Return type:
- arrakis.rmsynth_oncuts.update_rmtools_dict(mDict: dict, fit_dict: dict) dict [source]
Update the RM-Tools dictionary with the fit results from the Stokes I fit
- Parameters:
mDict (dict) – The RM-Tools dictionary
fit_dict (dict) – The fit results dictionary
- Returns:
The updated RM-Tools dictionary
- Return type: