#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Coordinate utilities"""
import warnings
from typing import Tuple
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.coordinates.angles import dms_tuple, hms_tuple
from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning
from spectral_cube.utils import SpectralCubeWarning
warnings.filterwarnings(action="ignore", category=SpectralCubeWarning, append=True)
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=AstropyWarning)
def deg_to_hms(deg: float) -> hms_tuple:
"""Convert degree to hms without astropy.
deg (float): Decimal degrees
hms_tuple: HMS, like coord.ra.hms
h_per_d = 24 / 360
hours = deg * h_per_d
hour = float(int(hours))
minutes = (hours - hour) * 60
minute = float(int(minutes))
seconds = (minutes - minute) * 60
return hms_tuple(hour, minute, seconds)
def deg_to_dms(deg: float) -> dms_tuple:
"""Convert degree to hms without astropy.
deg (float): Decimal degrees
hms_tuple: DMS, like coord.dec.dms
degree = float(int(deg))
minutes = (deg - degree) * 60
minute = float(int(minutes))
seconds = (minutes - minute) * 60
return dms_tuple(degree, minute, seconds)
def coord_to_string(coord: SkyCoord) -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Convert coordinate to string without astropy
coord (SkyCoord): Coordinate
Tuple[str,str]: Tuple of RA string, Dec string
ra = coord.ra
dec = coord.dec
ra_hms = deg_to_hms(ra.value)
dec_dms = deg_to_dms(dec.value)
ra_str = f"{ra_hms.h:02.0f}:{ra_hms.m:02.0f}:{ra_hms.s:06.3f}"
dec_str = f"{dec_dms.d:02.0f}:{abs(dec_dms.m):02.0f}:{abs(dec_dms.s):05.2f}"
return ra_str, dec_str