Source code for arrakis.frion

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Correct for the ionosphere in parallel"""

import argparse
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from pprint import pformat
from typing import Callable, Dict, List
from typing import NamedTuple as Struct
from typing import Optional, Union
from urllib.error import URLError

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import pymongo
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from FRion import correct, predict
from prefect import flow, task
from import tqdm

from arrakis.logger import TqdmToLogger, UltimateHelpFormatter, logger
from arrakis.utils.database import (
from arrakis.utils.fitsutils import getfreq
from arrakis.utils.pipeline import generic_parser, logo_str, workdir_arg_parser

[docs] TQDM_OUT = TqdmToLogger(logger, level=logging.INFO)
[docs] class Prediction(Struct): """FRion prediction"""
[docs] predict_file: str
[docs] update: pymongo.UpdateOne
[docs] class FrionResults(Struct):
[docs] prediction: Prediction
[docs] correction: pymongo.UpdateOne
@task(name="FRion correction")
[docs] def correct_worker( beam: Dict, outdir: str, field: str, prediction: Prediction, island: dict ) -> pymongo.UpdateOne: """Apply FRion corrections to a single island Args: beam (Dict): MongoDB beam document outdir (str): Output directory field (str): RACS field name predict_file (str): FRion prediction file island_id (str): RACS island ID Returns: pymongo.UpdateOne: Pymongo update query """ predict_file = prediction.predict_file island_id = island["Source_ID"] qfile = os.path.join(outdir, beam["beams"][field]["q_file"]) ufile = os.path.join(outdir, beam["beams"][field]["u_file"]) qout = beam["beams"][field]["q_file"].replace(".fits", ".ion.fits") uout = beam["beams"][field]["u_file"].replace(".fits", ".ion.fits") qout_f = os.path.join(outdir, qout) uout_f = os.path.join(outdir, uout) correct.apply_correction_to_files( qfile, ufile, predict_file, qout_f, uout_f, overwrite=True ) myquery = {"Source_ID": island_id} newvalues = { "$set": { f"beams.{field}.q_file_ion": qout, f"beams.{field}.u_file_ion": uout, } } return pymongo.UpdateOne(myquery, newvalues)
@task(name="FRion predction")
[docs] def predict_worker( island: Dict, field: str, beam: Dict, start_time: Time, end_time: Time, freq: np.ndarray, cutdir: Path, plotdir: Path, server: str = "", prefix: str = "", formatter: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = None, proxy_server: Optional[str] = None, pre_download: bool = False, ) -> Prediction: """Make FRion prediction for a single island Args: island (Dict): Pymongo island document field (str): RACS field name beam (Dict): Pymongo beam document start_time (Time): Start time of the observation end_time (Time): End time of the observation freq (np.ndarray): Array of frequencies with units cutdir (str): Cutout directory plotdir (str): Plot directory Returns: Tuple[str, pymongo.UpdateOne]: FRion prediction file and pymongo update query """ logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) ifile: Path = cutdir / beam["beams"][field]["i_file"] i_dir = ifile.parent iname = island["Source_ID"] ra = island["RA"] dec = island["Dec"] # Tricking the ionex lookup to use the a custom server proxy_args = { "proxy_type": None, "proxy_port": None, "proxy_user": None, "proxy_pass": None, }"Set up empty Proxy structure.") # Final solutions from CDDIS _prefixes_to_try = [ prefix, "codg", "jplg", "casg", "esag", "upcg", "igsg", ] for _prefix in _prefixes_to_try: try: times, RMs, theta = predict.calculate_modulation( start_time=start_time.fits, end_time=end_time.fits, freq_array=freq, telescope_location=predict.get_telescope_coordinates("ASKAP"), ra=ra, dec=dec, timestep=300.0, ionexPath=cutdir.parent / "IONEXdata", server=server, proxy_server=proxy_server, use_proxy=True, # Always use proxy - forces urllib prefix=_prefix, formatter=formatter, pre_download=pre_download, **proxy_args, ) break except URLError: logger.error(f"Could not find IONEX file with prefix '{_prefix}'") logger.warning("Trying next prefix.") continue else: raise FileNotFoundError( f"Could not find IONEX file with prefixes {_prefixes_to_try}" ) predict_file = os.path.join(i_dir, f"{iname}_ion.txt") predict.write_modulation(freq_array=freq, theta=theta, filename=predict_file)"Prediction file: {predict_file}") myquery = {"Source_ID": iname} newvalues = { "$set": { "frion": { "times": ( times.mjd * 86400.0 ).tolist(), # Turn back into MJD seconds for backwards compatibility "RMs": RMs.tolist(), "theta_real": theta.real.tolist(), "theta_imag": theta.imag.tolist(), } } } update = pymongo.UpdateOne(myquery, newvalues) return Prediction(predict_file, update)
@task(name="Index beams")
[docs] def index_beams(island: dict, beams: List[dict]) -> dict: island_id = island["Source_ID"] beam_idx = [i for i, b in enumerate(beams) if b["Source_ID"] == island_id][0] beam = beams[beam_idx] return beam
# We reduce the inner loop to a serial call # This is to avoid overwhelming the Prefect server @task(name="FRion loop")
[docs] def serial_loop( island: dict, field: str, beam: dict, start_time: Time, end_time: Time, freq_hz_array: np.ndarray, cutdir: Path, plotdir: Path, ionex_server: str, ionex_prefix: str, ionex_proxy_server: Optional[str], ionex_formatter: Optional[Union[str, Callable]], ionex_predownload: bool, ) -> FrionResults: prediction = predict_worker.fn( island=island, field=field, beam=beam, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, freq=freq_hz_array, cutdir=cutdir, plotdir=plotdir, server=ionex_server, prefix=ionex_prefix, proxy_server=ionex_proxy_server, formatter=ionex_formatter, pre_download=ionex_predownload, ) correction = correct_worker.fn( beam=beam, outdir=cutdir, field=field, prediction=prediction, island=island, ) return FrionResults(prediction=prediction, correction=correction)
[docs] def main( field: str, outdir: Path, host: str, epoch: int, sbid: Optional[int] = None, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None, database=False, ionex_server: str = "", ionex_prefix: str = "codg", ionex_proxy_server: Optional[str] = None, ionex_formatter: Optional[Union[str, Callable]] = "", ionex_predownload: bool = False, limit: Optional[int] = None, ): """FRion flow Args: field (str): RACS field name outdir (Path): Output directory host (str): MongoDB host IP address epoch (int): Epoch of observation sbid (int, optional): SBID of observation. Defaults to None. username (str, optional): Mongo username. Defaults to None. password (str, optional): Mongo passwrod. Defaults to None. database (bool, optional): Update database. Defaults to False. ionex_server (str, optional): IONEX server. Defaults to "". ionex_proxy_server (str, optional): Proxy server. Defaults to None. ionex_formatter (Union[str, Callable], optional): IONEX formatter. Defaults to "". ionex_predownload (bool, optional): Pre-download IONEX files. Defaults to False. limit (int, optional): Limit to number of islands. Defaults to None. """ # Query database for data outdir = outdir.absolute() cutdir = outdir / "cutouts" plotdir = cutdir / "plots" plotdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) beams_col, island_col, comp_col = get_db( host=host, epoch=epoch, username=username, password=password ) # Check for SBID match if sbid is not None: field_col = get_field_db( host=host, epoch=epoch, username=username, password=password, ) sbid_check = validate_sbid_field_pair( field_name=field, sbid=sbid, field_col=field_col, ) if not sbid_check: raise ValueError(f"SBID {sbid} does not match field {field}") query_1 = {"$and": [{f"beams.{field}": {"$exists": True}}]} if sbid is not None: query_1["$and"].append({f"beams.{field}.SBIDs": sbid}) beams = list(beams_col.find(query_1).sort("Source_ID")) island_ids = sorted(beams_col.distinct("Source_ID", query_1)) # Get FRion arguments query_2 = {"Source_ID": {"$in": island_ids}} islands = list(island_col.find(query_2).sort("Source_ID")) field_col = get_field_db( host=host, epoch=epoch, username=username, password=password ) # SELECT '1' is best field according to the database query_3 = {"$and": [{"FIELD_NAME": f"{field}"}, {"SELECT": 1}]} if sbid is not None: query_3["$and"].append({"SBID": sbid})"{query_3}") # Raise error if too much or too little data if field_col.count_documents(query_3) > 1: logger.error(f"More than one SELECT=1 for {field} - try supplying SBID.") raise ValueError(f"More than one SELECT=1 for {field} - try supplying SBID.") elif field_col.count_documents(query_3) == 0: logger.error(f"No data for {field} with {query_3}, trying without SELECT=1.") query_3 = query_3 = {"$and": [{"FIELD_NAME": f"{field}"}]} if sbid is not None: query_3["$and"].append({"SBID": sbid}) field_data = field_col.find_one({"FIELD_NAME": f"{field}"}) else:"Using {query_3}") field_data = field_col.find_one({"FIELD_NAME": f"{field}"})"{field_data=}") start_time = Time(field_data["SCAN_START"] * u.second, format="mjd") end_time = start_time + TimeDelta(field_data["SCAN_TINT"] * u.second) freq = getfreq( os.path.join(cutdir, f"{beams[0]['beams'][f'{field}']['q_file']}"), ) if limit is not None:"Limiting to {limit} islands") islands = islands[:limit] beams_cor = [] for island in islands: island_id = island["Source_ID"] beam_idx = [i for i, b in enumerate(beams) if b["Source_ID"] == island_id][0] beam = beams[beam_idx] beams_cor.append(beam) # do one prediction to get the IONEX files _ = predict_worker( island=islands[0], field=field, beam=beams_cor[0], start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time,, cutdir=cutdir, plotdir=plotdir, server=ionex_server, prefix=ionex_prefix, proxy_server=ionex_proxy_server, formatter=ionex_formatter, pre_download=ionex_predownload, ) frion_results = [] assert len(islands) == len(beams_cor), "Islands and beams must be the same length" for island, beam in tqdm( zip(islands, beams_cor), desc="Submitting tasks", file=TQDM_OUT, total=len(islands), ): frion_result = serial_loop.submit( island=island, field=field, beam=beam, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time,, cutdir=cutdir, plotdir=plotdir, ionex_server=ionex_server, ionex_prefix=ionex_prefix, ionex_proxy_server=ionex_proxy_server, ionex_formatter=ionex_formatter, ionex_predownload=ionex_predownload, ) frion_results.append(frion_result) predictions = [] corrections = [] for result in frion_results: predictions.append(result.result().prediction) corrections.append(result.result().correction) updates_arrays = [p.update for p in predictions] updates = corrections if database:"Updating beams database...") db_res = beams_col.bulk_write(updates, ordered=False)"Updating island database...") db_res = island_col.bulk_write(updates_arrays, ordered=False)
[docs] def frion_parser(parent_parser: bool = False) -> argparse.ArgumentParser: # Help string to be shown using the -h option descStr = f""" {logo_str} Arrakis Stage: Correct for ionospheric Faraday rotation """ # Parse the command line options frion_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( add_help=not parent_parser, description=descStr, formatter_class=UltimateHelpFormatter, ) parser = frion_parser.add_argument_group("frion arguments") parser.add_argument( "--ionex_server", type=str, default="", help="IONEX server", ) parser.add_argument( "--ionex_prefix", type=str, default="codg", ) parser.add_argument( "--ionex_formatter", type=str, default="", help="IONEX formatter.", ) parser.add_argument( "--ionex_proxy_server", type=str, default=None, help="Proxy server.", ) parser.add_argument( "--ionex_predownload", action="store_true", help="Pre-download IONEX files.", ) return frion_parser
[docs] def cli(): """Command-line interface""" import warnings from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=AstropyWarning) from import VerifyWarning warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=VerifyWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) gen_parser = generic_parser(parent_parser=True) work_parser = workdir_arg_parser(parent_parser=True) f_parser = frion_parser(parent_parser=True) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parents=[gen_parser, work_parser, f_parser], formatter_class=UltimateHelpFormatter, description=f_parser.description, ) args = parser.parse_args() verbose = args.verbose if verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) test_db(, username=args.username, password=args.password) main( field=args.field, sbid=args.sbid, outdir=Path( args.datadir, ),, epoch=args.epoch, username=args.username, password=args.password, database=args.database, ionex_server=args.ionex_server, ionex_proxy_server=args.ionex_proxy_server, ionex_formatter=args.ionex_formatter, ionex_prefix=args.ionex_prefix, ionex_predownload=args.ionex_predownload, )
if __name__ == "__main__": cli()