
The pipeline uses Dask for parallelisation and job submission, and Prefect for pipeline orchestration. Specifically, a Prefect DaskTaskRunner is created based on a supplied configuration file.

Any Dask cluster is supported, including dask-jobque for HPC schedulers such as Slurm. This allows the pipeline to be run on virtually any system. For example, to use the SlurmCluster from dask-jobqueue, set the following in your configuration file:

cluster_class: "dask_jobqueue.SLURMCluster"

Configuration is specicfied by a file written in YAML. These are stored in arrakis/configs/. Add your own configuration by adding and editing a configuration, and point the pipeline to the file (see the dask-jobqueue docs). Note that cluster configuration options should be specicfied under the cluster_kwargs section, and adaptative scaling options under the adapt_kwargs section (see examples below). For further reading on Dask’s adaptive scaling, see here.

Arrakis supports two configurations to be supplied to the spice_process pipeline (see Running the pipeline) via the –dask_config and –imager_dask_config arguments. The former is used by the cutout pipeline, and the latter by the imager pipeline. Imaging typically requires more memory, and more CPUs per task, whereas the cutout pipeline requires high overall number of tasks. We provide two example configurations for CSIRO petrichor HPC cluster.

For the imaging pipeline, an example configuration file is:

# petrichor.yaml
# Set up for Petrichor
cluster_class: "dask_jobqueue.SLURMCluster"
    cores: 16
    processes: 1
    name: 'spice-worker'
    memory: "128GiB"
    account: 'OD-217087'
    walltime: '1-00:00:00'
    job_extra_directives: ['--qos express']
    # interface for the workers
    interface: "ib0"
    log_directory: 'spice_logs'
    job_script_prologue: [
        'module load singularity',
    local_directory: $LOCALDIR
    silence_logs: 'info'
    minimum_jobs: 1
    maximum_jobs: 36
    wait_count: 20
    target_duration: "300s"
    interval: "30s"

For the cutout pipeline, an example configuration file is:

# rm_petrichor.yaml
# Set up for Petrichor
cluster_class: "dask_jobqueue.SLURMCluster"
    cores: 4
    processes: 4
    name: 'spice-worker'
    memory: "256GiB"
    account: 'OD-217087'
    walltime: '0-01:00:00'
    job_extra_directives: ['--qos express']
    # interface for the workers
    interface: "ib0"
    log_directory: 'spice_logs'
    job_script_prologue: [
        'module load singularity',
        'export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1'
    local_directory: $LOCALDIR
    silence_logs: 'info'
    minimum: 108
    maximum: 512
    wait_count: 20
    target_duration: "5s"
    interval: "10s"